Sunday, 17 March 2013


Today Father Mervyn presided at the Parish Mass and Father Martin read the Gospel, preached and led us in our Intercessions during which we prayed for Pope Francis and Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury as they are inaugurated into their new roles this week. In his sermon Father Martin reminded us that until fairly recently this Sunday saw the start of the period known as Passiontide when in the readings day by day we followed the route Jesus took to Jerusalem. He mentioned the journey through the area known as the wilderness especially the part mentioned in Psalm 23 “When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” He mentioned the death of Lazurus and the house where Jesus stayed at Bethany and drew attention to the Mount of Olives where Jesus began his journey into Jerusalem which we would celebrate next Sunday, Palm Sunday.


The Vestry commenced with the election of our Church Wardens for 2013 and  Carol & Veronica were nominated and re-elected.

At the Annual Parochial Meeting 5 new members were elected to the Church Council, and Sides people elected for the next year. Reports were received from the PCC Secretary, the Church Accounts were approved and reports were received from various church organisations. Father Martin gave his report. At the end of the Meeting a Vote of Thanks was proposed and approved by acclamation to the retiring Church Treasurer who has been in post for many years and has given devoted service to the Parish in this and in many other roles

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £217

Palm Sunday 2013, 24th March

9.50 a.m.Blessing of Palms, Procession  & Parish Mass

Meet in the Vicarage Garden unless wet when we will meet in the Hall.


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