Sunday, 24 June 2012

Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist


There was no report on the blog last Sunday as both Father Martin and Father Mervyn were in the Holy Land on a exploratory visit in preparation for our pilgrimage there next year.

Today, Father Mervyn presided and Father Martin concelebrated, read the Gospel,  and preached. In his sermon Father briefly related some details about the
Holy Land and then focussed on the birthplace of St. John the Baptist, which we had visited last week. He was born at Ain-Karim southwest of Jerusalem to Elizabeth and Zechariah. Elizabeth who was the cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus was far past child bearing age but the birth of John had been foretold by the Angel Gabriel. He was the one who “prepared the way of the Lord”

Last Saturday Shop took an amazing £270

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