Secretary’s Report 2011/12
Generally, this has been another reasonably quiet and problem free year. Attendances at church have been good throughout the year, particularly over the Christmas period; and we were pleased to have Bishop Steven attending a morning service. Fr Mervyn has introduced The Havering Exploratory Group and Fr. Martin has started a Fourth Friday of the Month Club discussion group.
Some time has been spent at various PCC meetings discussing the Common Tenure. So far, this hasn’t affected anything here as it will not be put into place while Fr. Martin is in post.
Earlier in the year a new sign was put up to advertise the Saturday shop which seemed to have the required effect of encouraging more people to attend. Saturdays have been quite busy with a good sense of outreach and lots of friendly chat going on. The May and November Bazaars were both well attended with plenty of helpers and new faces coming to enjoy the sale.
There was a Quinquennial inspection on 3rd May 2011, which went well with the surveyor saying the church was in excellent state of repair. Alan has done
a lot of minor repairs and all the painting jobs (main body of the church excluded) throughout the year. More recently, outside security lights were attached to the church and the hall lights were replaced.
Although we seem to have lost our liaison person with the uniformed organisations, there don’t seem to be any problems; they appear to have a lot more young people joined than previously. Along with the uniformed organisations, the pre-school, women’s organisations and dance and keep fit classes, the hall is virtually fully booked.
There have been several well-attended quiz nights, the Proms night in September, Harvest supper, a New Dimensions Concert as well as school and college choirs singing in the church. The ‘ladies-that-do’ have done an excellent job of catering at the Saturday market, Easter breakfast, midnight mass and after church on Sundays and other occasions.
Madeline M
March 2012.
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