Today Father Martin presided and preached and Father Mervyn read the Gospel and concelebrated. As the clocks went forward last night we wondered if people would forget and arrive late for Mass – we needn’t have worried.
After Mass we adjourned to the hall for refreshments and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting & Vestry. Father Martin thanked the Churchwardens for their service during the last year and a vote of thanks was passed to Kathy who, after seven years in position, was not seeking re-election. The two Churchwardens for the next year are Veronica and Carol. The Treasurer gave notice that he would not be carrying on after 2013 and that gave us a year to find a suitable person to take over the role of Treasurer. After the reports, four new members were elected to the Parochial Church Council.
St. George’s Day Dinner
Saturday 21st April at 7.15 p.m.for 7.45 p.m.
Tickets limited to 40 persons and are available from Father Martin at a cost of £12 (wine NOT included)
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