Sunday, 18 March 2012


St. Augustine’s was filled to capacity for this mornings Solemn Mass for Mothering Sunday. Our Guides, Brownies and Rainbows were there for Church Parade and the Rainbows carried in their new banner which Father Martin then blessed. Our Scout Group were unable to be present as there was a Scout District Camp.

Father Martin presided in Rose Vestments  whilst Father Mervyn read the Gospel and concelebrated. In his talk, Father Martin asked the people present who had iPads, iPhones, iPods, and got those who did to tell the rest of us us all about the different functions that were available on these gadgets. He then introduced iMum giving illustration of how iMum worked to the benefit of her children. At the conclusion of his talk he told us that Mary, the mother of Jesus was Mother of us all and today we honoured her as well as our mothers..

The posies, made by the Guides yesterday afternoon, were then blessed and distributed to the children to give to their mothers together with some special Mothering Sunday cards. Those whose mothers had died were invited to light a votive candle for them. Flowers were place around the Statue of Our Lady

At the end of Mass we presented back the flags to the Rainbows. Brownies and Guides and sang two verses of the National Anthem. Then for the first time since the beginning of  Lent the organ played a stirring voluntary as the Colour Parties led the Choir, the Servers  and the Altar Party out of church. (the organ is only used for accompaniment during Lent)

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