Monday, 12 December 2011

PCC Donations to Charities and other Charity Matters

Every year the PCC at its November meeting decides which charities should get the benefit of the “Tea Money”. This is the money that you donate for your tea and coffee and biscuits on a Sunday morning after church. Over the year it adds up to about £500 and it was decided some while ago that this should be our Christmas charity giving.

In addition we also have the Christingle and other money collected for the Children’s Society plus we support the USPG and Christian Aid.

And, in addition to all that we support a variety of other charities with a free stall at the Saturday Shop where they take away what they raise. During the last year we have helped Pussycat Lodge, Barking & Dagenham Community Choir, Rainbow Trust, Red Cross and many others.

Anyway, the “Tea Money” this year has gone to Community Links, Essex Air Ambulance, Essex Clergy Charity, St. Mungo’s and Richard House. They get £100 each which may not seem much but, if all the churches in the area did what we do then it would start to make a difference.

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