Today Father Martin celebrated and preached whilst Father Mervyn played the organ. Father Martin’s sermon was a preparation for the Annual Vestry and Parochial Meeting which would follow the Parish Mass at 11.30 a.m. The choir sang the anthem “O Saviour of the World” by Goss. We were reminded that next week we would meet in the Vicarage Garden or in the hall if wet at 9.50 a.m. for the Blessing of the Palms, the Procession to the Church and the Solemn Mass of Palm Sunday
At the Annual Vestry and Parochial Meeting in the church hall our two retiring Churchwardens Kathy and Veronica, were thanked for their services over the last year and were then re-elected for a further term of office. The Financial Report showing our finances in a healthy state was received and approved and the Auditor re-elected for next year. Reports were received concerning the fabric of the church and the youth organisations .Three Deanery Synod representatives were elected: Jan, Carol and Ann and two members of the Parochial Church Council, Geoff and Mad, were also re- elected.
Finally, we received the Vicar’s Report which will be published on the blog in the next few weeks. He told us that a further attempt had been made to steal lead from the church roof. He noticed that there seemed to be something amiss on the roof and went up on it to it to investigate discovering that the lead had been removed and then been folded in preparation for its later removal. We will now have to get the builders to put it back which will cost us £95 – just slightly less than our excess on our insurance policy.
Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £193
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