Sunday, 8 June 2014



As Father Martin was away for the weekend Father Mervyn presided and preached at the Solemn Mass and our Intercessions were led by Joan our retired Lay Reader. In his sermon Father Mervyn talked about how fear can paralyse us; the disciples locked themselves in the Upper Room because they were afraid. The Holy Spirit removed their fear and instead of be frightened by the authorities, they found the strength and inspiration to preach the Gospel far and wide even facing martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel. If we are open to receive the Holy Spirit into our lives he will rid us of our fears and qualms so that we too can proclaim the good news of the Gospel of Jesus.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £163



Monday 9th June Mass 7.30 p.m. according to the BCP

Thursday 12th June 9.30 a.m. Mass Please note change of time as there is a funeral at 11.00 a.m.

Monday 16th June 7.00 p.m. Mass followed by PCC

Have you seen our new Tradecraft Stall. Sales to date = £62.90


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