Today we celebrated the Solemnity of SS Peter and Paul, the two pillars of the Church. Father Martin presided at the Solemn Parish Mass and Father Mervyn concelebrated, read the Gospel and preached. In his sermon Father Mervyn drew attention to the differences in character of the two men , who complemented each other in their Apostolic Ministry. Peter the impetuous, chosen by Jesus to lead the embryonic church Paul the great missionary and writer. It is at this time of year that ordinations to the Diaconate and Sacred Priesthood take place. Each person brings into ministry their different abilities and talents. Father Mervyn then reminded the congregation to listen to see if they were being called to serve as Ministers in God’s Holy Church and to bring into their ministry their own special, and different, talents.
At the end of Mass the Altar Party and Choir went to the hall for the dismissal and to sing Marjorie a “Happy 90th Birthday” Marjorie cut her birthday cakes which we enjoyed with our usual after-Mass refreshments.
Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took a £152