Sunday, 13 April 2014



Today We met in the Vicarage Gardens for the Blessing of the Palms and then processed to the church,led by our choir singing “All Glory, Laud and Honour”. When we arrived in church we sang the Introit Hymn “Ride on, Ride on, in Majesty” Father Martin celebrated the Solemn Mass, preached and led our Intercessions. Father Mervyn had been called away to St. Mary’s, Ilford as their vicar had been taken unwell. The Passion was read by Father Martin, Vicky and Simon.

In his homily Father Martin described a procession and commented on the enthusiasm of everybody there.  This however was not the Palm Sunday Procession of Our Lord but the celebration when West Ham won the cup. It was similar to what happened on that first Palm Sunday : everybody rejoiced – it was a time of jubilation. Palm Sunday and the events of Holy Week remind us of what Jesus did for us. Christians should be faithful in response to his sacrifice and not be tempted away by the London Marathon, the Supermarkets or shops.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £135; it is now closed until Saturday 4th May.

The Chrism Mass is at Chelmsford Cathedral at 12 noon tomorrow.

Principal Celebrant & Preacher; The Bishop of Richborough

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