Sunday, 27 April 2014


Easter-Cross-2Today Father Martin presided at the Parish Mass whilst Father Mervyn read the Gospel, preached, led our Intercessions and concelebrated. It was good to see quite a full church. In his sermon Father commented on the fact revealed by the Gospel that that after the Crucifixion the disciples were in the Upper Room with the door locked because they were afraid. Jesus came and stood among them and gave them their commission to go out to the world. All except Thomas were there and he doubted the veracity of what the disciples told him until a week later when Thomas was present and Jesus appeared again. The conclusion of St. John’s Gospel reminds us that: "These signs are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing this you may have life through his name."
During the Intercessions we prayed for our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church as today they pronounced Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II as Saints and we prayed that the day maybe hastened when we are united.
Tuesday 20th April Mass 7.00 p.m. followed by PCC at 7.45 p.m.

Monday, 21 April 2014



Our New Fire, Vigil, Renewal of Baptismal Promises took place at 5.30 a.m. and afterwards we all adjourned to the Parish Hall for a sumptuous breakfast of Cereals, fruit juices, eggs, sausages, toast, marmalade and coffee or tea. The sausages made by our local butcher Paul was fantastic. Father Martin presided and Father Mervyn played the organ

At 10.00 a.m. it was time for the Solemn Mass of the day which was concelebrated with Father Mervyn presiding and Father Martin preaching and leading the Renewal of Baptism Promises. Pamela led us in our prayer. Our choir was augmented for the anthem by Ann and Ruth. At the end of Mass all the children were presented with an Easter Egg whilst all the adults had a smaller individual egg. Father Mervyn was surprised and delighted when he was presented with a huge Egg by Father Martin. All our chocolate eggs were by the Meaningful Chocolate Company which supports Fair Trade.


Easter Day finished with Solemn Evensong & Benediction at which Father Martin presided and Father Mervyn played the organ.

Sunday, 13 April 2014



Today We met in the Vicarage Gardens for the Blessing of the Palms and then processed to the church,led by our choir singing “All Glory, Laud and Honour”. When we arrived in church we sang the Introit Hymn “Ride on, Ride on, in Majesty” Father Martin celebrated the Solemn Mass, preached and led our Intercessions. Father Mervyn had been called away to St. Mary’s, Ilford as their vicar had been taken unwell. The Passion was read by Father Martin, Vicky and Simon.

In his homily Father Martin described a procession and commented on the enthusiasm of everybody there.  This however was not the Palm Sunday Procession of Our Lord but the celebration when West Ham won the cup. It was similar to what happened on that first Palm Sunday : everybody rejoiced – it was a time of jubilation. Palm Sunday and the events of Holy Week remind us of what Jesus did for us. Christians should be faithful in response to his sacrifice and not be tempted away by the London Marathon, the Supermarkets or shops.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £135; it is now closed until Saturday 4th May.

The Chrism Mass is at Chelmsford Cathedral at 12 noon tomorrow.

Principal Celebrant & Preacher; The Bishop of Richborough

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Lent 5 Passion Sunday


Today Father Martin celebrated and preached at the Parish Mass. In his sermon he pointed out that despite Bethany only being two miles from Jerusalem it now took a long time to get there due to the Wall. During Lent we have considered the Mass and we have used, with permission, several different Eucharistic Prayers to make us really think about what is being said. This time has also provided an opportunity to recall the promises we made at our Confirmation and considered how well we are keeping them. Father Mervyn was officiating at St. Paul’s, Goodmayes today but returned in time for the APM.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £169

After the Parish Mass the Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meeting was held in the Hall. The Churchwardens were re-elected for a further term as were the Deanery Synod members for another three year term, Sidespeople for the next year were also approved. Reports from the various church groups and organisations and the Accounts for the last twelve months which had printed and circulated in advance, were approved and Father Martin thanked various people for all the help they had given during the last 12 months.