Today Father Mervyn was the principal celebrant and Father Martin read the Gospel and preached the sermon. Father Martin began the sermon by recalling how he had been approached by a television production company to appear in TOWIE (The Only Way is Essex) a few days ago; he had to decline as he had a prior engagement at the time of filming. We were a little disappointed that we won’t be seeing Father on our TV’s just yet. The Samaritan woman had approached Jesus who was able to supply her immediate needs Father pointed out that the Samaritan woman represented us; Jesus came not only for the Jewish people as their expected Messiah but to us, non-Jews/gentiles, as well. Jesus provides our needs; he provides us with “living water”. This morning Father Mervyn led our Intercessions.
Just before the Eucharistic Prayer Father Martin was called to Queen’s Hospital to give the Viaticum to a patient so the Parish Mass continued with Father Mervyn. Father Martin returned in time to join us all for refreshments after Mass.
Yesterday’s Saturday Shop raised £185
Tuesday Mass 7.00 p.m. followed by PCC at 7.45 p.m.
Stations of the Cross Wednesday 7.30 p.m.
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