Sunday, 30 March 2014


10014639_10152733858303868_41430766_nToday Father Martin presided at the Parish Mass  at St. Lawrence, Upminster; Father Mervyn presided at St. Augustine’s where we had a full church. At the beginning of the service the flags from the Uniformed Organisations were paraded and presented. Our Intercessions were led by the Brownies. Father Mervyn talked about the different names for this Sunday and then pointed out that we all had 3 mothers: our own Mums, Mother Mary and Mother Church. What linked these together was “love” – you couldn’t see “ love” but you knew it was there. He produced a stick with 2 coloured balls at each end; as you pulled one – one at the other end went up (or down) He then opened the stick into two pieces to show that the coloured balls were not linked.

At the Peace, flowers were blessed and distributed, or votive candles lit for those whose mothers had died. Leaflets detailing all the services for Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter were distributed and they included an invitation to the annual Easter Parish Breakfast on Easter Day. Cost for adults: £3,  £1 for children between 5 to 11, children under 5 free. Fruit Juice, Cereals, toast and marmalade, Boiled Eggs and Sausages, tea or coffee. All breakfasts must be pre-booked – no one will be served who hasn’t reserved a place.

We hope to hold a Flower Festival on 24th and 25th Mayas part of our Mission Week ; volunteers to arrange flowers or sponsor an arrangement are needed by NEXT SUNDAY.

The Annual Vestry and Parochial Meeting will take place next Sunday staring around 11.30 a.m.


Lilies can be purchased in memory of a loved one at a cost of £5 for each person(this can be gift- aided). Envelopes are now available. Please include the name (s ) of the person to be remembered.

  • Donations to the Flower Fund are always welcome and these too can be In Memoriam or to celebrate an anniversary or event.  See Pamela for details

Tuesday, 25 March 2014



Today we celebrate THE ANNUCIATION

Pray for for us O Holy Mother of God

That we may be made worthy of the promises of  Christ.

Mass tonight at 7.00 p.m.

Sunday, 23 March 2014



Today Father Mervyn was the principal celebrant and Father Martin read the Gospel and preached the sermon. Father Martin began the sermon by recalling how he had been approached by a television production company to appear in TOWIE (The Only Way is Essex) a few days ago; he had to decline as he had a prior engagement at the time of filming. We were a little disappointed that we won’t be seeing Father on our TV’s just yet.  The Samaritan woman had approached Jesus who was able to supply her immediate needs Father pointed out that the Samaritan woman represented us; Jesus came not only for the Jewish people as their expected Messiah but to us, non-Jews/gentiles, as well. Jesus provides our needs; he provides us with “living water”. This morning Father Mervyn led our Intercessions.

Just before the Eucharistic Prayer Father Martin was called to Queen’s Hospital to give the Viaticum to a patient so the Parish Mass continued with Father Mervyn. Father Martin returned in time to join us all for refreshments after Mass.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop raised £185



Tuesday Mass 7.00 p.m. followed by PCC at 7.45 p.m.


Stations of the Cross Wednesday 7.30 p.m.

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Today Father Martin presided at the Parish Mass and our prayers were led by Pamela. As our Organist/Choirmaster suffered an rather nasty accident falling down some steps he wasn’t able to play the organ today so Father Mervyn did so as well as preached. In his sermon Father Mervyn suggested that Nicodemus might have thought Jesus had taken leave of his senses when he said that a person needed to be born again. How could some one re-enter the womb of their mother? However Nicodemus totally missed the point as Jesus was talking about being born by water and in the Spirit referring to the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. It was just before the crucifixion and afterwards that Nicodemus reappears in the Gospel when it seems he now understood the point Jesus was making.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £210.

Tonight 6.00 p.m. Evensong & Benediction


7.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross.

Sunday, 9 March 2014




Today Father Mervyn presided at the Parish Mass and Father Martin read the Gospel, preached and Concelebrated. Vicky led our Intercessions. At the beginning of Mass Father Mervyn introduced the Confessions by reading the Ten Commandments. In his sermon Father Martin talked about temptation. He pointed out that we were all subject to temptation; some here at Mass might be tempted to have a snooze or think about their next shopping trip instead of concentrating on the sermon. He gave an example of how people could be tempted and actually sin not realising initially that they were doing so. Helping yourself to stationary or pencils/ball points from the cupboard at work was breaking the commandment not to steal. He briefly talked about parents letting their children go hungry so that they could buy drinks or drugs. We might be tempted to gossip about people. Fortunately we have a way to put things right by coming and making our Confession, a sacrament mentioned in the Book of Common Prayer and he pointed out that the either he or Father Mervyn were always ready to hear confessions.



Sunday, 2 March 2014




Today Father Martin presided at the Solemn Parish Mass and preached.Father Mervyn was at S. Paul’s, Goodmayes who are in an interregnum. Ann led us in our Intercessions. In his sermon Father Martin talked about how we all dream of being someone else or looking different and gave as an example “Essex Girl” with her fake tan. He reminded those who were participants in our recent pilgrimage how a Nun had mistaken Father Mervyn for a Bishop. In the Old Testament we hear how Moses came down from the mountain with his face radiant, a temporary transfiguration. Jesus in his Transfiguration we heard about in today’s Gospel was revealed in his full glory to three of the Apostles. That revelation meant that they became more receptive to his teachings – to his words. We need to be too, especially the words he spoke and which are repeated by the priest in the Eucharistic Prayers. This Lent we must concentrate on Jesus words and listen attentively to the Liturgy. It is only too easy to let their familiarity cause inattention.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop raised £174


SOLEMN MASS with the blessing and imposition of ashes 7.30 p.m.