As our Organist & Choirmaster Jon was taken ill in the night Father Mervyn played the organ and preached whilst Father Martin presided. Our Lay Reader Joan led us in prayer at the Intercessions. We send Jon our good wishes for a speedy recovery.
In his sermon Father Mervyn reminded us that we do not know the time or the place when Jesus will come for the second time. In the early days of the Christian faith Christians had lived in the expectation of it happening imminently. Now that two thousand years had elapsed since those days we had lost that sense of urgency but we must realise that to God a day is like a second, a year like a moment, a thousand years as an hour, as He exists outside of our earthly time. In the Gospel Jesus tells us that even he does not know when He will return – that is known to God alone. What we must do is live our lives in the expectation that it could be today or tomorrow. Father Mervyn reminded us that every time we celebrate Mass Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of His Body and Blood and that we should prepare ourselves to receive Him.
Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took a magnificent £270.
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