Sunday, 26 September 2010


Today we celebrated Harvest and the church was full, with the Uniformed Organisations coming to join us at the Solemn Mass. Father Martin was the principal celebrant with Father Mervyn concelebrating. During the sermon, aided and abetted by Father Mervyn, Father Martin invited the Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers to come to the Altar steps and he then divided them into two groups. One group went up the chancel step towards the Altar rail with him, whilst the others stayed where they were with Father Mervyn. He then produced a tray of chocolate biscuits and gave one to each child in his group by the Altar rail, with the instructions not to eat them just yet. Father Mervyn encouraged his group standing at the Chancel step to complain that it wasn’t fair they didn’t have a biscuit too. There was much arguing between the two Fathers until, reluctantly, it was agreed that as there was not enough biscuits for everyone to have a whole biscuit of their own, the chosen who had them, should share with those who didn’t. When the second group received their half a biscuit they too were encouraged to share what they had with the rest of the congregation and surprise, surprise, everyone then had part of a chocolate biscuits. The moral is that there is sufficient in our world if only those who have the most share with those who have the least or nothing at all. (Apologies to our Church Cleaners who will have a few (?) crumbs to sweep up.)

Our new Card Shop is now open for the sale of very reasonably priced cards for all occasions including Birthdays, Anniversary’s, Get Well and Sympathy. There is also a small selection of Christmas Cards available; more will be available at the Winter Bazaar.

Our Winter Bazaar is on Saturday 20th November. If you haven’t yet volunteered to help on the day, please speak to Father Martin as soon as possible. The Bazaar will be set up on Friday 19th November between 5.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. and from 8.00 a.m. on the day. We open at 10.00 a.m. and close around 1.45 p.m. after the Grand Prize Draw. Tickets for the Draw are now available.

The Clean & Tidy Group meet on Thursday 30th September working in the Church or grounds, weather permitting.

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