Sunday, 21 March 2010


Today we kept Passion Sunday so all the crucifixes and statues had been draped with purple to indicate a period of mourning which will last until Easter Day. Amongst the congregation were three visitors who are studying on the Chelmsford Course of Christian Studies and who came to experience worship in a manner different to their own tradition. One of our congregation went to Dagenham Parish Church for the same reason.

At the beginning of Mass Father Martin welcome everybody and explained why all the statues and crosses were covered in purple drapes. As our organist is recovering from a heart bypass operation, Father Mervyn played the organ and also preached the homily.

After Mass we adjourned to the Hall for the:-

Annual Vestry and Annual Parochial Meeting.

One of our present Church Wardens had decided not to stand for election this year and with two nominations the new Churchwardens were elected by acclaim. Father Martin thanked the Churchwardens for their help and service during the past year.

Following an election, four new members joined the Parochial Church Council and they will serve a term of three years. Father Martin announced that the Electoral Roll had been revised and had resulted in no deletions and with the addition of 11 new members. During the meeting reports were received from various church organisations including the Sunday School, Deanery Synod, the Scout Group, the Guides and Brownies, and the Churchwardens presented their report on the Fabric of the Church and Ornaments. The annual accounts were presented and explained by the Treasurer. Father Martin gave his report and thanked everybody who had helped in any way during the past year.


Next Sunday, PALM SUNDAY, we meet in the Vicarage Garden (or in the hall if wet) at 9.50 a.m. for the Blessing of Palms and procession to the church.

Choir Practice will be at 9.00 a.m. in church

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