Sunday, 25 May 2014


06Today we welcomed the Archdeacon of Barking, Dr. John Perumbalath to our Parish Mass and he concelebrated with Father Martin and preached the homily. Pamela led us in our Intercessions and Father Mervyn played the organ. In his homily Father John referred to the book “Is your God to Small” by J. B Philips. He said that God is a God of all people – he makes no distinction.. We make a mistake if we try to categorise Him – he can’t be contained. Nor can Jesus be confined to church premises because he is in our daily lives. Everything God wants to do He can but he would prefer to have our co-operation. However He is all powerful and will ultimately achieve His will. He is close to use at all times – take a breath and He is that close.

Father John joined us in the hall after Mass for refreshments so he could meet as many parishioners as possible.

The Flower Festival continues this afternoon concluding with Evensong and Benediction at 6.00 p.m.

Sunday, 18 May 2014


EasterFifthA4gocllrToday Father Martin presided at the Parish Mass – Father Mervyn was officiating at St. Paul’s, Goodmayes who are in their interregnum. In his sermon, based on Today’s Gospel Father Martin stressed that Jesus had gone to prepare a place for each of us. He reminded us that if we know Jesus we know God and it is through recognising Jesus we can recognise God himself. He reminded us that we need to see God in everyone of his creation.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £140


We hope to see many people at our May Fayre and at our FLOWER FESTIVAL next week-end

Sunday, 11 May 2014



Today Father Martin presided at the Solemn Parish Mass and preached; Ann led us in our Intercessions. Father Mervyn was officiating at St. Albans, Ilford. In his sermon based on today’s Gospel of the Good Shepherd Father M artin drew our attention to the fact that the Bishop is the Shepherd of his flock in the Diocese. Yesterday our Churchwardens went to the Cathedral in Chelmsford to make their promises. Father Martin pointed out that Bishops delegated some of  their role as Shepherds to the parochial clergy who, in turn, delegated some of their role, to the Churchwardens. In fact, we all needed to exhibited the qualities of the Good Shepherd in our role with each other.

Yesterday’s Saturday shop took £156; we have also received a generous donation to the redecoration Fund which is very gratefully acknowledged.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Sunday, 4 May 2014


emaus17Today Father Mervyn presided at the Solemn Parish Mass and Father Martin concelebrated, preached and led our Intercessions. As it is the Bank Holiday week-end we wondered if our congregation would be somewhat reduced as we knew several families were going to be away. In the event, the church was pretty full. In his sermon Father Martin reminded us that we recognise saints by various means and mentioned his particular regard for St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes, as he frequently misplaced his keys and glasses. The travellers on the road to Emmaus eventually recognised Jesus by the breaking of bread. Every time we attend Mass we have the chance to do the same: recognise Jesus in the breaking of bread; and if we are willing, to let him enter our hearts.

Yesterday’s Saturday Shop took £226



29th May 7.30 p.m.


followed by Bring & Share Supper

Daisies Topper01

Mission Weekend


Saturday 24th MAY 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.


Saturday 24th May 10.00 am – 5.00 pm

Sunday 25th May PARISH MASS 10.00 am.

Flower Festival open 2.00 pm. – 5.30 pm.


Monday 26th May Flower Festival 11.00am –4.00 pm

Daisies Topper01