Today Father Martin presided and preached at the Parish Mass. (Father Mervyn officiated at St. Edwards, Romford.) In his sermon Father Martin talked about “Transforming Presence” the Bishop of Chelmsford’s Diocesan Plan. Each parish in the Diocese has been asked to devise a plan by the end of the year for Mission. Father reassured people that they are not expected to stand on a soap box outside the Co-op but to devise something suitable for effective evangelism. Using the Gospel Father Martin pointed out that Herod, the son of the Herod in power at the time of Jesus’ birth, had a way of disposing of his enemies by drowning them when they stayed as his guests at Herodian. As an aside he reminded people that the Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in October would be making a visit there. Herod had misread Jesus considering him a terrorist rather than a prophet. Regrettably prophets are not recognised by people: neither Rowan , our previous Archbishop nor Pope Benedict have been seen in the prophetic roll and have been scorned by the media; it must be hoped that our new Archbishop Justin and the soon to be elected Pope will have a better treatment and that their prophetic role will be recognised.
Monday 25th 7.30 p.m. Mass with Anointing
Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross
Wednesday 27th LENT COURSE at the YMCA led by Bishop Stephen, The Bishop of Chelmsford.